Another Widgeon Lake trip! We're actually starting to loose count at this point, but it's definitely up around 9 or 10 now!
This year's venture was actually initiated by Gord Gray, who unfortunately was not able to make it last minute due to a realestate transaction. So our humble little group was the usual rif-raf; Ian Gray, and the 4 Kroechers: Reimar, Ashley, Andre and myself. I'm too lazy to put the maps in this time, if you want to see some you'll have to click here.
Day 1 |
Departure from North Van: 7:00 am
Departure from Grant Narrows: 8:30 am
Arrival at Widgeon Creek Campsite: 9:25am
Departure from WC Campsite: 10:00 am
Arrival at first waterfall: 11:00 am
Arrival at Widgeon Creek bridge: 12:00
Lunch: 12:00 - 1:00
Arrival at lake: 4:00 and 4:25 |
Loading the inflateables for the paddle through the Widgeon Slough. |
Ashley, Ian and Reimar. Our destination lies just out of sight behind a ridge. |
Above: Deflating the main vessels
Right: Ian scores points for Technical Appearance in using a machete to open his tortilla shell package |
Reimar crossing the Widgeon Creek bridge.
This bridge was built in '92 by "Reco" - I remember how new and sturdy it was when Andre and I first crossed it in '94 . Now it's weathered and the railing is very loose in places. I wonder how much life it has left in it? A good 5 years I'd say, but definitely not more than 10. |
Bushed in the bush. Ashley, Andre, Ian, Reimar |
Arrival at the lake! Time to inflate our secondary vessels for the crossing... |
Loading the dinghies: Packs get towed behind the boats for a bit of added security and room |
The floatilla journeys across the lake! |
The "Widgeon Cheif" looms over the lake
"The Rock" looms into sight... |
Day 2 |
A sunny, hot day filled with strenuous relaxation! Swimming, paddling, reading, lounging, swimming, eating and more swimming! |
Day 3 |
Cool and overcast skies in the morning gave way to a heavy shower late morning .
By early afternoon the clouds lifted and Andre, Ashley & Ian departed in their boats to the near end of the lake with their day packs, machetes and flag tape. The mission was to try and gain the peak of the "Widgeon Cheif".
After almost 5 hours of bushwhacking and ascending snow chutes, they made it to the peak! Andre's dream of many years now fulfilled!
His & hers dinghys. Well, actually Andre, myself and my pack travelled in the big one while we towed his pack in the small blue one I carried up. |
A game of velcro chess by the fire...
As for those lawn chairs - Andre & I packed those in a few years ago and keep them safely stowed away near The Rock.
Day 4 |
Zero visibility, rain, wind, cold. Yuck.
Hunkering under the tarp before packing up.
Under thick fog and a heavy, misted rain we paddled close to the shoreline back to the main camp area near the trail. Cold and wet, we deflated and packed up the boats and slowly made our way down the steep mountainside. It was close to 4:00 by the time we made it to the bridge where we had a late lunch.
Overdue for a rest an hour from Widgeon Slough at the big waterfall. Finally dry and warm enough to strip off the layers of long, wet clothing and back into dry shorts.
The slough levels were low once again on the paddle out, and we were back at Grant Narrows by 8:30.
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